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I have been on Second Life since 2007 and I started building more or less right away. It started by editing freebies or items I bought, like prim clothing that didn't quite fit, a house that had some gaps or my pet peeve .... textures that don't line up.


Gradually I learned more and it only made me want to learn more. So from editing I went to building. My first build was a house, low on prims with textures I had or bought. Sometimes it was hard to find the right texture so I decided I would have a go at learning that. I installed GIMP, learned quickly about layers and loads of other things.


I skipped sculpting for some reason, but when mesh came out I jumped on it. I found Blender and just started. Let's just say it was a steep learning curve and I'm by no means a master at it, but I manage to make what I need or I learn some new tricks until it looks the way I want it, preferably low prim of course!


At the start I only built for myself. Then some friends asked if I could help them with their houses or asked me to build something for them. From there it was only a small step to building and selling. And that's where I'm at now. I have my amazing place in SL and a shop to boot.


But first and foremost I'm on Second Life to have fun! Sometimes that is building but sometimes it's hanging out with friends, exploring, listening to music and seeing what other people make in SL. I think it's an amazing place to be!


On this page you see some of my SL history ...

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